Burntstump Seely

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For Pride Month of June 2024, our DEIB group wanted to do something to promote and celebrate the Pride movement for all of our school.  The children voted on how to do this and the winning idea was an assembly for KS1 and KS2, alongside some role plays on how to approach situations.  

The team handled their assembly so well, took questions and gave answers and I was so proud of them.  

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging


As a church school we believe in the dignity and worth of all members of our school and community. It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. We aim to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure.  This is a central part of our school vision:


In our Burntstump community, everyone, adults and children, knows that they are valued as God’s children. Their gifts are discovered, valued and nurtured so that all can flourish to live life in all its fullness.

In 2024, we launched our DEIB group in school made up of representatives from Years 4,5 and 6 who are passionate about making our school a place where everyone feels welcome.

Our agreed actions are to audit our books and create a DEIB library of books that are available for all children to borrow, to ensure that a range are available for all ages, to run a special assembly to highlight the 5 British Values and the 9 protected characteristics to our school and look at how we can make everyone feel part of our Burntstump community.

Burntstump children love being part of the DEIB group and take their role very seriously.  It is lovely to see their passion and enthusiasm for all people to feel part of our community.


Previously, we ran an Anti-Racism Working Party which consisted of parents, grandparents, teachers and governors who are working together to improve the diversity of our provision and our teaching of anti-racism but now we want to expand that to examine inclusion and belonging at Burntstump.  Please see the documents below for the previous minutes:

Cultural Day and anti racism Letter for Parents.docx

Anti-racism working party agenda and minutes 15.03.21.docx

Anti-racism working party agenda and minutes 12.10.20 for website.docx

Other Useful Documents

 Equality policy 2022.pdfDownload
 spiritual-moral-social-and-cultural-policy-feb 2022.pdfDownload
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