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Additional Information and Support

Signposting to various websites and resources.

Click the orange icons for website links. 

Safeguarding and Safety Posters

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The place to find information and services for Nottinghamshire all in one place.

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A safe place to give information about crime - 100% anonymously. Click the orange icon.

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CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Emotional, behavioural or mental health support. This covers depression, problems with food and eating, self-harm, abuse, violence or anger, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety. See their website by clicking the orange icon to access support.

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NSPCC Support for parents

Worried about a child? Contact our child protection specialists for help, advice and support. help@nspcc.org.uk 0808 800 5000

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Equation is a Nottingham-based specialist charity that works with the whole community to reduce the impact of domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality.

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Juno Women’s Aid Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Empowering women, children and teenagers to live free from abuse.

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A children and young people's mental health charity working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools.

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We’re here for you if you need help with challenges including drugs or alcohol, trouble with housing, domestic abuse, or your mental and physical wellbeing. Our services are free and confidential.

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Supporting mental health.

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CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.

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You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it's better out than in. We're here to support you. There are lots of different ways to speak to a Childline counsellor or get support from other young people.

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Further Support is available here:

Agency Number
Juno Women's Aid (Women, Children, Teenagers)  0808 800 0340  
Equation (Male support)                                                        0115 960 5556
National Domestic Violence 24 Hour Helpline Number    0808 2000 247  
Mens Advice Line                                                                    0808 801 0327
Nottinghamshire Independent Domestic Abuse Services (NIDAS)  01623 683 250
Galop (LGBT+)                                                                            0800 999 5428
National Stalking Helpline                                                        0808 802 0300
Samaritans 116 123
Amber House Refuge                                                                0115 941 4279
Roshni (Nottingham Asian Women’s Aid)                              0115 924 2864
Umuada Refuge                                                                          0115 975 3254
Shine (housing related support)                                              0115 822 0833
Refs for Pets (if you need your pets housing if you leave) 07971 337264