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Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing half term!

Welcome to Kestrels!


Our class teacher is Mrs Fahey.

Our teaching assistant is Miss Simons. 

PPA cover is Tuesday afternoons and this will be covered by Miss Richards. 

Please ensure that the children are completing at least 30 minutes of TTRS every week to help build the fluency they need to support their wider math learning. This can be done in smaller chunks if time is short. It is vital that children also read as frequently as possible and out loud to enable them to develop the skills they will need for now and in the future. 

Knowledge organisers can be found at the bottom of the page for key knowledge and vocabulary the children will be learning. You can use these to practice at home.



This autumn term our topic is Mountains. We will be exploring the continents and doing a more in depth study of mountain ranges in Europe before contrasting the Alps and the Himalayas. The children will become familiar with many of the countries in Europe and be able to identify mountain ranges using topographical maps. 



This autumn term we will be looking at place value and addition and subtraction. We will be using a range of concrete resources to help the children build their fluency within these foundational concepts. 



We have started a sequence of learning on narrative writing. We are using the book Abominables by Eva Ibbotson to develop our knowledge of writing to entertain while building our literacy skills including using fronted adverbials to start our sentences.



This autumn term we will be exploring rocks and their properties which links nicely to our geography topic on mountains. 



Our topic is growing artists this term and the children will be developing their artistic eye to spot shapes in compositions to help them make decisions about proportion when drawing still life.  



In music we are adapting and transposing motifs using a Romans theme that will reactivate some of year 4's learning from last year.



As we lead up to Christmas we will be studying the concept of incarnation in Christian theology. The children will be investigating the bible and how it shows the Trinity in existence from the creation of the world. We will be using John 1 to discuss this and draw similarities between the text and Genesis 1. 


PE Days

Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesday. Children need to come into school in their PE uniform (white polo shirt, school jumper and dark joggers or short with trainers). PE is taught by My Thomas on Wednesday and Miss Richards on Tuesday.


Class book

Our class book for autumn is The Colour of Hope by Ross Mackenzie. 

Geography - Mountains

Science - Rocks

Art - Drawing

French - Adjectives of colour, size and shape

Converting document.

Computing - Databases