Welcome to Kestrels!
Our class teacher is Mrs Fahey.
Our teaching assistant is Miss Simons.
PPA cover is Tuesday afternoons and this will be covered by Miss Richards.
Please ensure that the children are completing at least 30 minutes of TTRS every week to help build the fluency they need to support their wider math learning. This can be done in smaller chunks if time is short. It is vital that children also read as frequently as possible and out loud to enable them to develop the skills they will need for now and in the future.
Knowledge organisers can be found at the bottom of the page for key knowledge and vocabulary the children will be learning. You can use these to practice at home.
This spring term our topic is Ancient Egyptians. This fascinating topic will have the children enthralled and full of curiosity as they delve into this history rich civilisation. Thanks to the plethora of archeological finds and our ability to decipher hieroglyphs we know heaps about this ancient civilisation. The children will be able to make links to prior learning about the Roman Empire if they are in Year 4 as the time periods overlap. They will also see how the Greek Empire connects to the final dynasty of Ancient Egypt which ends with the death of Cleopatra. Please ask your children about they have been learning to feed their curiosity even further.
This spring term we will be looking at multiplication and division, fractions, and mass and capacity.
In English we will be sharing our learning about Ancient Egypt by creating a non-chronological report in the form of a double page spread. The children will also be writing a set of instructions about how to mummify a body.
This spring term we will be looking at animals including humans focusing on the skeleton. This unit takes children through six lessons where they learn how to: identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat. They also learn how to identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Art and DT
Our topic is textiles and we will be making our own Egyptian scrolls. This unit focuses on exploring and creating Ancient Egyptian art, guiding pupils in understanding and applying the styles, patterns, and techniques of Ancient Egyptian art through lessons that include designing scrolls, making paper, and creating contemporary responses using zines. As we move into spring 2 we will be designing and sewing our own Egyptian collars.
In music we will be learning all about the origins and format of samba music.
As we move towards the Easter holidays we will be looking at the holy week with a focus on why Christians call the day of Jesus' crucifixion 'good Friday.'
PE Days
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesday. Children need to come into school in their PE uniform (white polo shirt, school jumper and dark joggers or short with trainers). PE is taught by My Thomas on Wednesday and Miss Richards on Tuesday.
Class book
Our class book for spring term will be Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll, this links to our spring topic.