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Did you see your email with our non chronological reports about Victorian workhouses?  We hope that you've learnt something new from it.  See below if you missed it.


Welcome to the home of the Eagles. 

We are taught by Mrs Ince and Miss Richards.  Our class spans Year Five and Year Six children so we are super busy.

Our topic

For the Autumn Term, our history topic is Victorian Britain where we will be learning about everyday life of Britains under the reign of Queen Victoria.  We will be delving deep into the differences between those who lived with wealth and those who lived in poverty and exploring the similarities between our lives today and the lives of impoverished Victorian children.  Next, we will be learning how the Industrial Revolution changed the way of life in Nottingham - both in the city and the surrounding countryside.  As part of our learning about the Victorians, we will be visiting our nearby Papplewick Pumping Station to find out about the revolutionary pumping system devised by Mr Thomas Hawksley to pump fresh, clean water into Nottingham.

In science, we are learning about changes and properties of different materials.  The process of rusting will be one of the topics of our investigations this term and we will explore combustion as part of the fire triangle.  Some fun will be had with our practical investigations we guarantee.

In RE, we will be comparing and contrasting Islam, Christianity and Sikhism in terms of the words of wisdom contained in their holy book and advice to live your life by.  In Autumn 2, we will evaluating if Jesus was the Messiah that Christians were seeking.

In music, we are going to look at looping and remixing to know that dance music is usually produced using electronic percussion sounds, and recordings of the music are played by DJs in clubs or at festivals.

For PSHE, we are using texts such as Malala's Magic Pencil to discuss being a bystander when things aren't right or an upstander to force change and How To Be A Lion to explore that not everyone has to think and feel the same way.

Black History Month

In October and to celebrate Black History Month, we will be focussing on Marcus Rashford as our inspirational person.  This will teach us that not all people in history are dead, that some people who are alive today have carried out acts that will go down in history.  As well as being a current football player, our children will learn about all of the work he did during the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure no child went hungry.



Our PE dates this term are Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please come to school in PE kit on both of those days.  Details of our PE kit can be found on the website.

 Class book

We love to read in Eagles and do lots of it.  Our class read is Street Child by Berlie Doherty - a tale of a young boy in Victorian times whose life takes many different twists and turns including a stint at a perilous workhouse.  It's sad and gripping but will shed a light for us to be able to compare a young boy's life then and now.


The most important homework is to read for pleasure at home.  We recommend this is done at least 3 times a week and note this down in our home school diaries - children can write this in themselves.

Spellings will also be coming home once a week, so please take time to learn these ready to be tested on a Wednesday.

Maths and English homework will be alternated so there is a piece every week of either maths or English grammar work to do at home.


Look out for dates of exciting activities on the website or on our newsletter Burntstump Bugle.

As always, we love to hear from parents or carers, so if you'd like to get in touch via email to the office@burntstump.snmat.org.uk 

by phone or in person, please do not hesitate.  We're always happy to help and love to hear successes that the children have had outside of school.


Curriculum Enrichment

Our past learning knowledge organisers

 Eagles Rainforest Geography knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Greeks Knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Year 5 - Living Things and their Habitats.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Year 6 - Animals, including humans.pptxDownload
 Mixed media knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
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