Burntstump Seely

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Welcome back Doves!


Our teachers are Miss Richards (AM) and Miss Atkinson (PM).

Miss Simons will also be helping out in the afternoons. 

Mr Thomas will teach P.E on Wednesday. 



This term our topic will be 'Castles'. We have an overarching question that drives our learning and this is 'Who would live in a castle like this?'


We will learn to explore everyday materials and their uses.  

PE days

Our PE dates this term are Monday and Wednesday.   Please come to school in PE kit on both of those days.  Details of our PE kit can be found on the website. 


Art and design

We will be learning about Cecilia Vicuña’s work and learning how to weave. We will design and create our own piece of art work using weaving techniques.


We will be exploring the question 'why does Christmas matter to Christians?'


We will be learning about digital imagery and how to take take a great photo and edit it. We will also be continuing our work on e-safety. 


We will be learning our nativity songs and working on our performance skills.


The most important homework is to read at home.  We recommend this is done at least 3 times a week and note this down in our home school diaries.

Spellings and phonics will be sent home weekly and we would encourage you to support your child in learning these.


Look out for dates of parents' evenings and other exciting activities on the website or in our newsletter Burntstump Bugle.

As always, we love to hear from parents or carers, so if you'd like to get in touch via email to the office@burntstump.snmat.org.uk  by phone or in person, please do not hesitate.  We're always happy to help and love to hear successes that the children have had outside of school.

Please find our Knowledge Organisers below. These key documents have all the knowledge your child needs to access current and future learning. 

If you have any questions about your child's learning, please come and find us. 

Autumn Knowledge Organisers

 Knowledge Organiser - Year 1 - Exploring Everyday Materials 1 PDF (2).pdfDownload
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