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Robins:  These are our nursery and reception children who have lots of fun with their teacher Miss Atkinson and their teaching assistants Miss Simons and Miss Price who support the Robins in the afternoons. We look forward to meeting our new children and families this half term!

Welcome to the Robins class ! Our new children have settled into school life amazingly and I am so proud of each and every one of them! This Spring term our topic will be 'Where does our food come from?' We hope to have the best time together playing, exploring and learning! Take a look at our knowledge organiser and what we will be learning in the document below.

The main books that we will be reading are: A range of non-fiction books about food, Mr Wolf's pancakes, Handa's surprise, Michael Rosen poems, Oliver's vegetables and The little red hen.

Reading books will be given out on Mondays and we would expect you to read at least three times a week at home. Each day that you read at home you will receive a stamp in your reading diary, once  you have gained 25 stamps you will receive a special reading certificate in our Friday achievement assembly!

Please remember to bring a named water bottle into school each day and a healthy afternoon snack. 

If you have any questions do come and find us. Let's have a great half term!