Burntstump Seely

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Our Mission Statement

'At Burntstump Seely we endeavour to create a positive, inspirational and nurturing experience in an environment of mutual respect.  This is embedded in our inclusive Christian community where we welcome families of all faiths or none.  We ensure that everyone is valued and encouraged to reach their full personal and academic potential. We provide a broad, balanced and creative curriculum to thoroughly prepare children for life in the modern world.'


Our Curriculum

At Burntstump Seely  we have  designed and shaped the curriculum to meet the particular needs of our children. As we are all children of God, we believe deeply in the value of each individual.  We strive to enable our pupils to develop as a whole person, recognising that each has a valuable contribution to make to the school community, happy and ready to take the next steps into their education and lives beyond Primary School.  Our school values guide our curriculum.

Our curriculum is designed to:

  • improve vocabulary/oracy skills
  • encourage greater engagement with reading
  • raise self-esteem
  • improve resilience
  • offer valuable and varied experiences

To achieve this we base our thematic curriculum on quality texts and teach the curriculum in a dynamic and fun way that means every child can grow in confidence, unlocking vital skills that will drive their creativity. We believe in interconnectedness and that through this thematic approach every child should be given the opportunity to:

  • create,
  • compose/perform,
  • visit/experience,
  • participate,
  • know/understand
  • reflect
  • achieve

as part of a spiritual, cultural and creative curriculum, which is rich with thematic learning. We are very clear that a great curriculum is underpinned by secure self-evaluation and a vision for what the school is trying to achieve for its pupils.


Our school values have been created by our school community and are intended to nurture the children to enable them to overcome any barriers they may face.  These values underpin our curriculum: 

Confidence:  Children and staff are encouraged to be resilient and to have high expectations of themselves and others, through self-evaluation, positive risk taking and understanding of next steps.  Our academy is committed both to providing a high standard of education and also sharing Christian values in such a way that children can recognise their worth.

Hope: Children and staff demonstrate positive outlooks.  Lessons are pitched appropriately and progression of skills ensures that all children can reach their potential.  We develop pupils who can think critically and care about their learning so they always do their best and can solve problems, seeing failure as an opportunity to learn.

Understanding:  Our curriculum looks beyond our own community and experience to prepare children for the wider world.  We encourage children to embrace difference and to understand the uniqueness of the individual, made in the image of God.

Respect:  Our curriculum is inclusive and is underpinned by Christian values, which gives children an excellent platform for embracing difference. We nurture creative individuals who collaborate and co-operate to enable all children to succeed.

Community:  Our parents and families are actively involved in our school.  Visitors are encouraged to both lead and participate in many aspects of school life including collective worship. We develop pupils who care about their role as part of a family, community and the wider world; encouraging them to feel part of, and to contribute positively with regard to fundamental British values.

 Honesty: We endeavour to create a non-judgemental environment where children and staff have the resilience and honesty to reflect on and learn from their experiences and to flourish.